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Charis Fund Submission Guide - Part 1


Part 1: Organizations submit basic agency information and a single-page executive summary (information below). Charis will accept these requests twice a year, mid-January and mid-July (exact dates vary but will be posted on the website) for a 2-hour period of time. There will not be a limit on the number of groups that can submit in that 2-hour timeframe.


Summary submissions will be accepted in mid July for the Fall grant cycle


Part 2: Charis trustees will review the summaries and select 50 groups that will receive instructions for submitting a more extensive grant request for possible funding (NOTE: not all of the 50 selected agencies will receive funding)

• Charis Fund’s goal is to help initiate or expand programs focused on the areas of:

o Housing/homelessness
o Food insecurity/ feeding programs
o At-risk youth/education
o Mental health/Health Care
o Domestic violence
o Substance Abuse

• Funding is available only to groups residing within California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington State. For
nationally based groups, any request must come from the local organization located within those states, with
funds used there.
• Organizations are eligible to receive funds once every 3 years and this applies retroactively. For example, if you received funding in Fall of 2022, please wait to reapply until Fall of 2025 or later.
An organization that has received more than $30,000 from Charis Fund will need to take a 5-year break
before requesting more funding.

Following are more details regarding part 1 of the new process for requesting a grant:
• Organizations are asked to prepare a single page executive summary PDF request with the following information:

o Name, address and website of organization
o Amount of funding requested (not more than $7,500)
o A short, 2-3 paragraph executive summary with some information about your organization but
more importantly, the project or programs for which funding is requested.

• PDF File Naming Protocol (important): Your organization name must come first since we sort the files alphabetically. For example: FeedingAllGrantRequest.pdf. Do not start with the words 'Charis' or 'Grant'. 

• Submission will be via 2 portals on the website, one for NEW AGENCIES, those which have never
received funding from Charis Fund, and a second for RETURNING AGENCIES, those which have previously
received funding.

When submitting the single page executive summary PDF via the portals, there will be a series of brief questions:

o Name and address of organization
o Name/phone/email information for the person in charge of the request
o Dollar amount of request
o Area of focus for the funding (selected via multiple choice)
o If previously funded by Charis Fund, the date and amount of that funding

• All submitting groups must read and understand our statement of equity and inclusion shown on our website

• After the submission period closes, the Charis Fund trustees will review the executive summaries and select 50 groups that will be given a link to submit a more in-depth grant proposal. Complete instructions will be provided for the full grant submissions and at least one month will be allowed for grant preparation. (NOTE: not all of the 50 selected agencies will receive funding.)



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